A 73yr old male with tremors

 Hi, I am N.Rohith (Roll no:79) 5th sem medical student. this is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking their consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio.

A 73yr old male came to the hospital with complaints of tremors

Chief complaints:

The patient came to the hospital on tuesday with chief complaints of shivering of hands and legs

History of presenting illness:

The patient was apparently asymptomatic 1yr ago then mild tremors of upper limbs has begun,which then eventually tremors of lower limbs has also begun.Initially the severity of the tremors are mild later the intensity has increased.There has been tremors of upperlimb even while eating.The severity of the tremors increased when the patient was holding any object and decreased while sitting idle.

Negative history:

Fever- No history of fever

Shortness of breath: No history of shortness of breath 

Past history:

No significant past history 

Personal history:


Occupation: Not working(before the start of tremors the patient has worked as a labourer)


Bowel movements:Normal

No addictions



No known allergies

General examination:




No pallor

No icterus

No cyanosis

No clubbing of fingers

No lymphadenopathy 

Pedal edema:No


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